Founder Spotlight: Ray Kallmeyer (Enklu)
Company name: Enklu
Company blurb: All-in-one platform to create, play and share mixed reality.
Company website:
Company headquarters: San Francisco, CA
Founder’s hometown: San Diego, CA
Founder fun fact: I was the lead singer of a rock band in my early twenties.
Why did you decide to start your company? I had been making video games professionally for fifteen years when I first put on an augmented reality headset and immediately saw an opportunity to make 3D content creation more accessible for workers and put the tools of spatial computing in the hands of the people who were going to use it the most.
What is one thing that you want people to know about your company? All companies and every aspect of the supply chain will be transformed by spatial computing, and innovative organizations already have a 3D presence. Enklu helps businesses accelerate their transition to spatial computing with tools that are built in 3D to enable workers to operate at the speed of thought.
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur? The first thing I wanted to be when I grew up was an astronaut, followed by a world leader, and then a musician. Business and entrepreneurship were always goals of mine, starting with selling cookie dough door to door when I was kid.
What is one piece of advice you’d like to pass on to new founders? Ask for help and read a lot, more than you think you need to for both.