To All The Working Moms

Caroline Casson
2 min readJan 27, 2023


I was told by someone important in my life that I’m a bad mom because I work to provide a living for my family. That I’m neglecting Charlotte by having her under someone else’s care. And that women belong in the background.

I’m sure I’m not the first woman to deal with this type of conflict. As working moms, we deal with conflict all the time. No one knows the feeling more of being tugged in two directions than we do. The feeling of wanting to be with your children while you’re at work but also wanting to work because you enjoy what you do and/or you want to provide a comfortable life for your family. I’m sure I’m not the only woman who is burning the candle at both ends.

Many working moms can relate to the sheer exhaustion that comes from repeating the hectic schedule day in and day out. However, what gets me through the day is knowing that I get to give Charlotte a big hug when the day is done. Bedtime is particularly my favorite. Every night before her head hits the pillow I tell her that she is strong, smart, and loved. We read stories about female entrepreneurs and astronauts and scientists.

One thing I know for certain is that Charlotte will grow up seeing that women can chase goals and ambitions, too. That careers aren’t only for men. And that being a “good mom” isn’t defined by the number of hours spent in the home, but rather by the quality of time spent and the example that she sets for her children. Charlotte will grow up knowing that whether she wants to become a CEO, a stay-at-home mom, or anything in-between, she has my unconditional love and support.

Moms — remember this: it’s not easy, but you are doing what’s best for you and your family. There will be days where you feel like you’re failing at work and failing at home. Days where you give less than your best effort because you have nothing left to give. Days where you are absolutely drained to your core. But we keep going because it’s just what we do as moms — we don’t give up. We show our children that no matter how hard life gets, we are doing our very best. Your very best might not be understood or appreciated by everyone but it’s good enough for you and your family. And that’s what counts. Hang in there and stay strong, mamas. You are enough.



Caroline Casson

Investor @ Vitalize Venture Capital • Based in San Francisco, CA • From Madison, WI • Dog lover, outdoor enthusiast, adventurer